Friday, May 16, 2003

This is not a post for movie reviews but I've gotten so many questions about the Matrix lately. Deviating from the norm, here goes nothing... So I've spent the past 24 hours pondering the profound philosophy for dummies dialog in the Matrix sequel. (That's a compliment if you're wondering, for the film cleverly verbalizes some complicated ideas). What a ride of a cinematic experience that was! I will say that this film phenom is a thought-provoking piece of material to be sure. I don't see that it's a clear spiritual story or parallel. Then again, what spiritual truth is truly clear? I read somewhere about seeing through a glass dimly. But it does cleverly illustrate some stark and mind blowing spiritual realities in graphic wonderment. A task many Christian films do with all the profound brilliance of a garden hose. (Left Behind and Omega Code come to mind) These films could have both been the Matrix but alas, a big budget in the care of badly skilled communicators produces drivel. I wouldn't say that they were badly skilled though. Perhaps they just didn't have anything to say. In this film the issues come fast and furious. Issues such as the sovereignty of God, the reality of the world that is 'unseen', the exercise of faith, the struggle to understand purpose and choice and the wondering whether they really exist at all. The tragedy of this film is that in all of it's brilliance a truly great series of spiritual illustrations gets muddied down by a bohemian 'worship' service that's more akin to a scene from Dirty Dancing, a sappy love story, and some unnecessary profanity that actually dumbs down what would otherwise be a wonderful piece of writing. So did I enjoy it as a carnal human? Absolutely. The freeway chase is the most amazing action sequece ever filmed, period. Pay your 7 bucks and go about an hour into the film and leave 20 minutes later. You got your money's worth. Would I recommend this as a person of 'faith'? No. If you want to make the gray matter come to life, get to a good church. A good church would not be one that seems to have all the answers. We have only to introduce you to the One who is ‘the answer’ and then it’s going to take you a bit longer than a lifetime of fear and trembling to figure Him out. If you think your church has a corner market on the truth somebody has sold you some oceanfront property in Arizona. So here's the deal. It's tragic when you have to go to a movie to get your wheels turning spiritually. Church should do this. Get to one that does.

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