Monday, May 05, 2003

I lost my friend, Marshall (the Colonel) Woolever, this week. He had made his 90th leap over the annual hurdle and did so with a sharp mind, quick wit, and profound wisdom. Old age in many people invokes sympathy, but in Marshall it produced inspiration. Marshall taught me three things about the ministry. Be prepared, be brief, be seated. So in his honor I have prepared a brief letter (while seated). You're home now, Colonel. I will miss you, but only for a while. See you again someday...

Dear Marshall,

I heard this afternoon that you had a pretty good day. I would say that seeing God would certainly make a day memorable. Thank you for pouring your life into us here. You shared so much wisdom and understanding and taught us that God was and is truly faithful. The only downside to this day I see is that you're home and I'm here and the world has lost a defender. A defender of America and a defender of the faith. But I would be shallow to say that your ability has been limited by your entrance into eternity. As you join the great cloud of witnesses I will listen for your voice urging us on and saying as you said so often, "Remain faithful". I will.


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