Thursday, May 01, 2003


My Grandfather was fascinated by God's natural creations. He figured man's motivation in making stuff was for personal satisfaction and/or money. Since God is probably satisfied and doesn't need anything least of all money, Grandpa concluded that His only possible motivation for creating the wonders around us was His intense love for us. Every time he picked up a rock that sparkled or a flower with an intricate design it was an expression of God's love for us. To absorb and understand that love my Grandfather disappeared into that creation as if God's expression could only be returned by our taking pleasure in it. This made sense to me when I received a present from a dear friend. I found great enjoyment in the gift mainly because of my deep regard for the friend. The converse would then logically be that those who take no pleasure in the gift demonstrate the shallow depth of their regard for the friend. I think of the times in my life I have shown contempt for God by disregarding or merely ignoring the wealth of His many gifts. If God created this world to enjoy He certainly must have created within us the capacity to enjoy it. So then if I love God it musn't simply be by mental ascent or disciplined ritual but in allowing my senses to worship Him wholly and completely. It is then and only then that we are whole and complete.