Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The normal Christian life is to invade impossibilities. When Jesus described the Kingdom He said nothing is impossible with God. Everything else is made with restrictions and restraints. Everything else is finite but Him. Then it's as if Jesus says I want mankind to know what it's like in my world where there are no impossibilities so He adds this phrase saying, "nothing is impossible for those who believe." This is amazing revelation since we all recognize that human nature is so contradictory to God's divine nature yet we're invited to a place of access to His world.

Now here's a thought that should shake up whatever religious spirits you've been shacking up with in your Christian life because any use of the word 'contradiction' makes people nervous. God gives revelation to us and then prunes it by giving a contradictory revelation. To Abraham He says, sacrifice your son, don't sacrifice your son. You have been predestined, yet you are a people of choice. It's appointed to man once to die but He raises the dead. Sacrifice sheep, don't sacrifice sheep. Eat My flesh and drink My blood or have no part of Me. He challenges you to come to a place where your Spirit says amen to that which offends your mind. To a place where your heart can wrap itself around what your mind cannot.

Human nature is that we are prone to rally in groups based upon points of doctrinal agreement. That's how denominations come to be. Denominations form when people come into a revelation of truth and agree on it, but what happens when He unveils more revelation? Theologians will stand and say that God doesn't do that not realizing that the denomination that they adhere to was likely formed based upon a revelation that contradicted the revelation of the group that they were previously a part of. Since doctrinal agreement is the rallying point, when disagreement arises they can no longer belong to the group. To make it simple, when your point of unity is doctrinal agreement, disagreement means you can't belong. What's happening now is that God is gathering people together, not around points of doctrinal agreement, but around Fathers in the Faith. The structure of the Kingdom is patterned after family. In a family brothers and sisters can disagree all the time but it doesn't mean you're kicked out of the family. Why? Because the rallying point is not that they agree about every subject but that they have the same Mother and Father. There is a new day of unity coming where we rally around the presence and not merely the principles.

This is not to suggest that we embrace opposing doctrines. It's to reveal that our determination of who a brother or sister in Christ is must be based upon our recognition of the Spirit of God within them. When Jesus was resurrected He appeared to the women who told the disciples who didn't believe them. Then the Bible says He appeared "in another form" to two others whose testimony was also rejected by the disciples and when Jesus showed up to the disciples, they were rebuked because they didn't believe another person's experience. The Holy Spirit in John 16 is said to function in the role of guiding us into all truth therefore if you have the Holy Spirit resident within you one of the evidences must be that you recognize truth when you hear it. The disciples could not recognize truth because their experience was clouded with factual events that contradicted the testimony of their friends. Jesus was tortured and died and they saw it. These people were questionable as sources. The first, Mary, had been washing Jesus feet with her hair, a strange expression of worship at best. Hygienically questionable and wasteful at worst. It was not normal and neither was her past so her testimony counted for little. The others had a conversation with Jesus that lasted for quite some time and then when they finally recognized Him, He disappeared. All kinds of problems arise logically with these testimonies making them easy to reject. Yet they were one hundred percent true and accurate as they were told and when Jesus showed up He told them so Himself. When a revelation comes to you regarding what He's like, and your hearts says Amen, but your mind cannot understand, don't reject it. That may be the moment you are most in tune with the Spirit of God, for He (while not opposed to the mind) will not gratify the ego of the intellect when the Spirit is supposed to be in charge. This is how the mind gets renewed for the mind is a brilliant student but a poor leader.

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