Sunday, September 16, 2007

This was taken by my brother in law, Steve, from our porch a week ago.

For those who are going through the SOZO class, here's the notes you requested. For everyone else, each Sunday morning, I'll post the basic notes from the class I teach. That way, if you're interested in going through it with us, have at it.

- Today the topic is faith. We are always looking for an increase in faith, but faith doesn’t come out of striving. It comes from surrender.

- If you’ve ever embraced someone with too much cologne on, you walk away smelling like they do. He’s perfectly faithful and when you stay close to Him you walk away with faith. It’s the impression of His presence that remains upon you.

- Never be concerned with having too little faith. Be faithful with the faith you have. The loaves didn’t become much until Jesus gave thanks for the little. Anything you immerse in thankfulness expands.

- We must be a generation of people willing to step into the unknown. Faith will take us to places that require boldness. If you’re not nervous you don’t need the Comforter The reason many of us haven’t gotten to know the Holy Spirit better than we have is that we live so comfortably that we have no need of the Comforter.

- Eph 4:11-13. Perfection of what God designed us to be here on earth is determined by our revelation of Jesus Christ.

- There are those who would say that we shouldn’t pursue an experience but when you get married you don’t get the theology of marriage, you enter into an experience. We are called the Bride of Christ. Some would say that in pursuit of experience you’re vulnerable to deception but if you’re content to live without experience you’re already deceived.

- The Lord is inviting you into the journey of discovery Pro 25:2 Believers are those willing to pursue what He has declared is possible. Your royalty becomes manifest in your pursuit of what you have legal right to in the realm of mystery. Eph 1:9, Eph 3:3, Col 1:9,

- John 1:51, Jn 2:11, Jn 3:12, Jn 16:12, Jn 16:15, Jn 17:18, Jn 20:21.

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