Saturday, September 29, 2007

By request, here are the notes for this week's SOZO class. The focus this week is on the renewed mind (Romans 12).

- The Bible doesn’t say, with the mind man believes. It says, “With the heart man believes." The Spirit gets restored to God and after that the soul. As the mind, will, and emotions are renewed the body comes into alignment for it is God’s ambition that we experience divine health and in that, release divine healing. Your internal reality leaks out to become your external reality.

- The body is a servant of the mind. If the mind will be a servant of the Spirit, the body will be healed.

- 3 John 1:2 says, “I pray above all things that you would proper and be in health even as your soul prospers.” If the Spirit in you is in continuous overflow of the presence of God it will have an affect on how you think, the way you think, and the way you deal with emotional situations and as that order takes place on the inside of you the overflow manifests in your physical body. This is why Romans 8:12 says that if the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you He will quicken your mortal body.

- 1 Corinthians 8:1 says that knowledge (mental ascent) puffs up. Revelation knowledge is meant to lead us to life but is dangerous without a divine encounter. It will only equip you to debate with other believers but divine encounter makes that knowledge an expression of life. All of God’s judgment is aimed at whatever interferes with His love.

- Mark 6:48 Hunger and desperation will bring you into that greater measure of presence. On the sea, Jesus was walking and intended to pass them by. Their cry of desperation brought His presence. There is a measure of His presence that can only be had by desperation. Hunger beyond reason conditions you to contain the answer once you receive it. Most of what we have the intelligence to ask for, God has willed that we possess in greater measure. God wants to release to us beyond all that we could ask (that’s the reach of your prayers) or think (that’s the reach of your imagination.) Ephesians 3:20

- The mind is a brilliant student but a horrible leader. The mind is a mirror of a heart that is pure before God. It’s like a canvas that God paints on as we pick up the perceptions and thoughts of the Lord. But when the mind is in charge of the Christian life it’s called carnal Christianity. Apart from the Spirit, the mind creates form without power, but submitted to the Spirit, the mind is capable of creativity that the world has not yet seen.

- Matt 28:18-20, Haggai 2:7, Only a nation can disciple a nation, and to make that impossible assignment possible He took the one who is called the Desire of all Nations and caused Him to take up residence in us. So then as the nations cry out we become the very answer to their heart’s cry. Not that we are the redeemer but with Christ in us we are able to manifest the reality that God has answers for every dilemma in society. God is very interested in restoration and you and I are agents of that change.

- Never confuse your destiny with your assignment. Your destiny is heaven. Your assignment is to bring heaven. My destiny is that I’m going to see Him when I die. My assignment is to bring Him to be seen here and now.

- Mark 8:13 After experiencing the power of Jesus, if I cannot see the unseen, my heart is still hardened and I need that greater desperation. My thinking is not to be anchored into the restriction of this world but of the resources of His world. To access the moving of the Spirit and the anointing to release the Kingdom, learn to see, hear, and remember. Remembering activates your hearing which activates your seeing. Rev 19:10. Whenever you have a spoken or written record of what God has done it carries a prophetic anointing that is released to duplicate the miracle spoken of.

- The word remember means to put together that which has been dismembered. It also is related to the word “male. The man carries the seed of reproduction and when we remember, we take the seed of a past event into a present situation. This goes both ways, in the positive and the negative, depending on what you choose to remember. This is why the renewing of the mind is so necessary for transformation. We choose to remember what God has done and not what He hasn’t done.

- You know the mind is renewed when what was formerly seen as impossible is now suddenly possible for “with God all things are possible.”

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