Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Have you caught a glimpse of the new Jesus film, "Passion"? Directed by Mel Gibson, the trailer alone makes whatever brutality you endured in Braveheart seem like a hangnail by comparison. So begins the inevitable debate within the sphere of the Kingdom, namely, should this be done? Is it right to expose people to this level of reality? In all honesty I believe we do a greater injustice when we do it wrong. That is to say, do it right or don't do it. The barely bleeding piety we've seen in the past does a great disservice to the entire message of the Gospel for it doesn't touch the fact that our sin was the cause of that punishment. If the punishment were going to fit the crime then most crucifixion scenes would suggest that my sin wasn't all that bad. The sacrifice must be carried out in such a way that the sin of the entire world for all time, and all of the evil that goes with it, could be heaved into the sea of forgetfulness on a single set of shoulders. A few squirts of fake blood are not as brutal as the sin of a single teenager much less the whole of humanity. So if you're going to show it, show it right, so all the world will know the extent of the evil that Christ endured to bring salvation. On the other hand, (because there are always two you know), there is a strange, Babylonian, Romanesque, sense to the world at the moment. For the depravity has hit lows hardly seen by previous generations. We always point to Sodom and Gomorrah as the benchmark but Sodom didn't have the Scriptures, churches on every corner, Christian TV, Christian radio, Christian bookstores, or even a dozen believers within it's walls. To whom much is given much is required. When Billy Graham got on worldwide TV and proclaimed the timeless message of Jesus Christ something happened. Ignorance was no longer an excuse. When this film comes out and people are finally exposed to the closest reality they have experienced yet regarding the message of the cross what will they do? What are we to do with the immense knowledge, understanding, teaching, revelation, and outpouring of grace given to us? Sodom did nothing with nothing and their judgment was total destruction. I fear that if we, as the church, do nothing with something, our judgment will make Sodom's look like a hangnail.

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