Tuesday, August 07, 2007

An outpouring of the Spirit of God continues in Maui. James, our sound-man is a chef at a local restaurant. He had a young man working for him who had suffered a heart attack at a young age. This man came to James last week saying he had chest pains and, knowing James was a Christian, asked him to pray for him. James laid hands on him and prayed and the pain (and fear) left. The man told James that he was feeling much better and gives the glory to God. Sunday morning, Chasity, a young lady in the church, came to the front row and began a beautiful dance during worship and as she did the Holy Spirit fell on her and she began to speak in tongues for the first time. She shared afterward that she realized that she had to go after it and when she did, God responded. How much are you missing because you're waiting for God to come to you? The God you know in the secret place is the God you'll represent in the public place.

The birthplace of bad theology is when leaders are pressured to give an explanation of a problem that God's not addressing. It's when people are facing disappointment and we provide an explanation to help people feel better about the moment instead of leaving them in discontentment so that they will actually wage a violent war against all that restrains them to find Kingdom solutions that do not dissipate. Let this be the cry of your heart. I don't want to compose answers that make me comfortable. I want to find things that take me into my destiny. I'm not going to lower the standard of Scripture to make me feel good about my present situation. I don't want to feel good about my present situation. To lower the standard of scripture to my level of experience is idolatry. It's to worship the pages of a book above the Spirit that breathes on the pages of the book.

Israel always seemed to end up in idolatry even though they SAW the manifest presence of God. How did this happen? The Bible is clear. They forgot the works of the Lord. When they forgot what they saw they lost the desire to see it again and the result was religious form without power which is idolatry. You cannot afford to lose awareness of the God who invades the impossible. You cannot afford to make decisions that represent the body of Christ based on human talent and resource alone. Much of what is called stewardship in the church today is simply fear disguised as wisdom. You will not do more with yourself than you will do with what you have. We had a young lady on outreach with us who I gave an assignment to. I handed her some money and told her to give it away. That was her only assignment that day. She looked for someone to give it to and couldn't find the right person. It couldn't just be anyone, she thought. It has to be someone who really needs it. Yet she couldn't ever seem to find the right one. Many people say, if only God would bless me with a large sum of money, I could do so much good with it. No you wouldn't. If you won't do good with the little you have, what makes you think you'll suddenly do good with much? Wasting resources is easy. Giving it away is difficult. Think about your life. Wasting time is easy. Giving time away is hard. But which holds the reward? Some of you reading this post have heard God calling to you a life of radical obedience that challenges your perceived notion of comfort. Your destiny is just on the other side of convenience. In other words, you'll have to step beyond convenience to find it.

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