Thursday, September 27, 2012

Hi God.

Me - Hi God.

Him - Hi Bill. What's new?

Me - All things, so I hear.

Him - Good answer. What do you want to ask me this morning?

Me - I just want to grow, Spiritually.

Him - Hmm. Well that's a problem. You can't grow because I can't grow and the full measure of Me resides with and within you. All you can "grow" in is the revelation of what you already have and who you already are, in Me.

Me - Explain please?

Him - When did your son become your son?

Me - At the "beginning"?

Him - Right. And as he has grown, is he any more your son now than he was then? But the revelation of what it means to be called your son grows as the relationship deepens through experience. He could experience your love before he could explain or understand it. So I'm bringing you experiences you don't yet understand but can fully enjoy.

Me - Ok. I'm just going to sit here and be loved.

Him - That's called rest, and it's My gift to you. Now when you live, move, and have your being, be who you are, which is who I am. Be Love.

(Inspired by 1 John 4:17)


Glenn said...

Excellent revelation of the love of the Father! Thanks Glenn

Glenn said...

Excellent revelation of the love of the Father! Thanks Glenn