Saturday, December 23, 2006

Taken from a journal entry in 1997.

Each person is navigating an unpredictable sea full of wonder and possibility. Whatever security and predictability we try to create is merely illusion that gives short term peace of mind. Only those who come to accept the unpredictability of life can find lasting peace. Creating temporal security is like dropping an anchor on a hundred foot chain into water a thousand feet deep. We're temporarily happy that we've dropped anchor until we come to realize that we still drift. The analogy of the hymn that speaks of being anchored in the Rock of Ages is full of truth not only that Christ is a 'rock' but that He is the only security. And yet, He, full of wonder and possibility, is like the ocean. He's faithful but not predictable. He's secure but not safe. "He is not a tame lion." Perhaps that is why God likes children. For their insatiable appetite for adventure. Let a child loose in a church sound booth and you'll see what I mean. It's not so much that God is like a child, but that children are so much like God. Somewhere along the way we get old and our divine sense of wonder begins to die. Along with the death of wonder comes the cynical resignation to turn Que Sera Sera into a worship anthem. This is why miracles are so important. They let us know that there is no such thing as impossible.

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