Sunday, August 21, 2011

Blessed Poverty

Matthew 5:1-3 "1 And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him:2 And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

The state of being impoverished has less to do with what one actually has and more to do with what one thinks he needs. This is why those who have little in the way of possessions yet are happy and fulfilled are actually richer than some with multiple millions who "just need a little bit more". It's the hunger for more that reveals the attitude of poverty, and rarely is it considered a virtue. That is, until it comes to the things of the Spirit.

It is vital that we live with a hunger for God. A constant awareness that we haven't seen it all. An appetite to see what He has hidden for us, not from us. That no matter how much we learn, that we always remain a student of the Spirit, living with the awareness that there is more. Never become so much of an expert that you stop pursuing that which you haven't experienced. To those who will pursue what they have not yet tasted of His presence, the Kingdom belongs.

(See and study Jeremiah 5:1. That the hunger of one man seeking after the Spirit of God releases grace over a city. Also, John is "in the Spirit" in Rev 1:10, yet in Rev 4:1-2 he answers a call to step deeper "in the Spirit". Jesus releases the presence of the Holy Spirit in John 20 when He breathes upon the disciples. But in Acts 1 He invites those disciples to go to the upper room and wait for the baptism of the power of the Holy Spirit. 500 see Him and hear the invitation, but only 120 respond. The presence of the Holy Spirit is constant, but the power of the Holy Spirit is unique and belongs to the hungry.

To grow your appetite for God, rein in Your scattered attention and set your affection on things above. When you turn your heart of affection upon Him and His presence, your hunger increases and you position yourself for the more that your heart longs for.)


Brooksie, Brooks T., T-Man said...

Thanks buddy! Good word. Miss having you around!

Brooksie, Brooks T., T-Man said...

Thanks buddy. Good word. Miss having you around here! Aloha ya'll!

Traci Vanderbush said...

Almost three blogging? I miss your writing.

Traci Vanderbush said...

Missing your posts...

Traci Vanderbush said...

Missing your posts...