Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Europe - Paris/Rome

We recently took a trip to Europe that had three destinations. France, Italy, and Albania. The Albania portion of the trip was the longest and was the "work" portion of the adventure. This video features the Paris and Rome sections as they were very personal to our familly. It's with relunctance I leak a trip vid, because most of the time, watching someone else's travel video is as much fun as wearing your underwear backwards. I hope that won't be the case here.

We actually went on this trip intending to take only pictures and not to do a video as we are prone to do. At least as I am prone to do. I can get obsessive with a shot, taking valuable time on the go filming and editing the perfect scene as I see it in my head. So to spare the rest of the crew a series of idiosyncratic events I decided to stick with still pics on my cellphone and journal entries as a record of the days. But my son didn't get that memo, and captured a series of poignant images on his LG Optimus cell phone. Rather than let them collect dust on a memory card in an end table drawer, I thought it best to try to see if we could somehow capture the Spirit of the trip. Recently turned on to and moved by a band called Future of Forestry, I decided to set some of the clips to a selection of their songs.

For those of you who know us, and what I love to do, this is a long time coming. I haven't edited anything in quite a while. It's not for lack of love, mind you, but rather lack of time and inspiration. One trip to Paris and voila, inspired. I pray it somehow gives you a sense of the wonder we felt as group of family and friends embarked upon a truly live altering excursion into the world of beauty, rekindled love, exquisite cuisine, and a gentle awareness of God and His heart for people.

Thanks for reading, and for watching, and for coming along.


Genti said...

your love is amazing...

Genti said...

your love is amazing