Thursday, May 01, 2008

I was describing the worship experience in Maui to someone recently. Words like wild, crazy, out there, liberating, exuberant, all come to mind. But it's so hard defining the experience by a single adjective. It narrows it down to where you lose the sense of Spirit that exists in the reality of the moment. Unskilled communication often tarnishes the beauty of an experience that goes beyond whatever creativity we employ to explain it. Imagine you've been going to church services for two decades. For the first few weeks you're excited and thrilled until you notice other veteran Christians sitting around you who have settled. Like silt in the bottom of a lake, the surface says peace but beneath they know there's just dead fish and a foot of mud. You thrill to the wonder of the new while their attention wanes in the tranquility of nostalga. New songs make you fly and old songs make them cry. Eventually though, your new becomes old and others embrace a new that, to you, has painfully replaced what defined your Divine moment that now seems so very long ago. What you used to call a song service has now become worship and the expressions of those around you aren't what you learned during the first steps of your walk. Yet within you is a longing, a hunger, a vortex of youthful strength that, upon eagles wings, desires to soar. To extend the fullness of your physical reach, stretching without to dig deeper within, pressing in with every fiber of what now seems to be such feeble strength in that place of Presence. To lift your closed eyes if only to better gaze beyond the veil, to rise above every voice around in an audible declaration of freedom. Like the medieval town crier making known that which is unknown, issuing by decree the revelation of this newly discovered level in the endless depths of the raw creative force known as the love of God. That's the people in these pictures. That's worship in a place of freedom where you truly give your heart, mind, soul, and strength to the passion that comes from the Presence of Jesus Christ.


KelliOnSaipan said...

I miss that. We have nothing remotely like that on Saipan.

Traci Vanderbush said...

I love those moments in worshipping God. Let's have more!!