Monday, September 25, 2006

This video is of my good friend, Paul, leading one of my favorite songs at Golden Triangle Church on the Rock this past Sunday. Paul lost his voice the night before this yet still managed to raise the roof in two services on Sunday morning. I'm just encouraged to see him doing what he's called to do. There's no better experience in this world or the world to come than to know that you're doing what God has gifted you to do and to know that He's pleased with your exercise of that gift. God and man often seem stuck in this stalemate in which one is waiting for the other to move. In the Old Testament God's people followed the cloud and fire. In the New Testament the signs and wonders follow you. In Him we live and move, says the Scripture. Since His Spirit resides within believers, when we move, He moves. He both calls and chooses yet we still need to respond to that call. A calling is an invitation to come and be prepared for service whereas a choosing is the process of selection once the process of preparation has had its season. Many are called, but for lack of submission to the process of preparation, few are chosen to move on to that lifestyle of service. Do you have a call on your life? My prayer today is that every believer who reads this post will find themselves filled with hope and that the calling of the Holy Spirit would find pure soil in you to take root in and that fruit would be manifest in your countenance, attitude, and action. I finally pray that in all of your 'doing' that you would do the will of God and in all of your seeking that you would seek first the Kingdom of God. Amen.

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