Friday, April 01, 2005

After that last post, I'm not sure I've got the energy to write anything else. My writing is off these days. It's not that I have no thoughts. I just don't care enough about them to record them for posterity. I did do some study on Hebrews 9 this week. I noticed that everything in the ark is a type of Christ, the manna (bread of life), the rod (tree of life), the tablets (fulfillment of the law) etc... Also noticed that the various gifts to the overcomers in Revelation (to him who overcomes I will give...) match those things/types in the ark. The hidden manna, the tree of life, etc... Pretty cool book, the Bible. Anyhow, aside from that there is a section of Heb 9 that talks about blood. (NurseAudrey should get a kick out of this) In order to cleanse something or make it holy it had to be sprinkled with blood. So by the time the priests got done offering sacrifices and making things clean and holy unto God the entire room and all of its contents would be covered and stained with blood. It must have looked like a horror movie in there. Our response in coming into a room like that would be, "Man we've got to clean this place up." Where the priests would have said, "What meaneth this? We have just forthwith cleansed the place." I mean, we don't see blood as a cleaning agent. More of a biohazard. So I've been pondering the old songs like "Are you washed in the blood" and "There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emanuel's veins, and sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains." Sometimes it's good to take an old truth learned long ago down from the shelf, blow the dust off, and look at it again with new eyes.

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