Friday, February 27, 2004

I am nearly fed to the gills with the anti-semitism charges I'm hearing from the liberal media about this movie. As if this notion of anti-semitism is the worst thing since anal warts, the liberal media has taken up the task of finding a mere shred of it in this film about Jesus. I saw more anti-semitism from the Costanza's on Seinfeld than in this film.
Ya wanna find some anti-semitics to beat up on? There's a few million to the north, south, and east of Israel!!! Every Allah following son of Ishmael is anti-semitic. Apparently the media can't get this clue cause every time a suicide bomber assassin detonates on a bus in Jerusalem it makes the news right behind Jlo. (No pun intended)
The papers are worried that somebody's going to start hurting Jews because of this movie. HEY! Jews are dying every week in Jerusalem and the papers say NOTHING to condemn it. To quote the Messiah, "You hypocrites!!!"
Not hypocritical enough for ya? They say we need to leave poor Saddam alone now because they didn't have WMD's. Hey! This guy and his whole mindset thinks we all need to die. 19 anti-semitics killed 3000 Americans in under 20 minutes. I don't care if they only find buckets of snakes and flutes over there. It's time to clean house. Perhaps we ought to start with our own.
The New York Times and Austin American Statesman was good for only one thing in my house, and once the dog was housetrained and my Cockatiel died we have no use for them anymore. Don't get me wrong. I love free speech! But the media is determined to crucify Mel and pardon the sons of Arafat. If Peter Jennings wants to find some anti-semitism, I dare him to go ride the bus in Jerusalem.

Thursday, February 26, 2004

The Passion [suffering] of the Christ. Cinematic history is made before my red puffy eyes. The question everyone seems to be asking is who killed Jesus. Mel's answer, "We all did." pretty much did the job for me. Beyond that, it wasn't the Romans, and it wasn't the Jews either. If any earthly system had any hand in this it was the system of religion. Those who fear anti-semitism are missing the wonderful scenes such as the conflict of the Pharisitical council itself in its pronouncement of judgement. Simon, who is forced to carry the cross when Jesus can't take another step, is called 'Jew' with all of the hatred of a curse word by a Roman guard. When Simon and Jesus, in struggling with the cross, lock arms and carry it together I dare your tear ducts to be dry. When their eyes lock in a bond of brotherhood that would leave Simon changed forever, you can't help but see the depth of God's love for the Jewish people, His people. The New York Times called the film 'artistically flawed' due to it's inability to see the point of why Jesus was suffering such torture in the first place. They chided Gibson for failing to give the backstory. Did they not see the scene in the Garden? Literally the first scene of the film, when Jesus is subjected to satan's mockery in saying, "Can one man bear the sin of the whole world?" That's the point! Oh my Lord. I was stunned to read review after review of this film written in blindness. That there are actually people in this world who can't see this after watching this film is dumbfounding. What do they use their eyes for? What good are their ears? This film offers no excuse and I would gather that more people will see this in the coming weeks than Billy Graham has seen in a lifetime. Beware, watcher, of the responsibility of what you consume here for you are without excuse. The opening scene sets up the task, to bear the sin of all mankind. The final line reveals whether or not the task was done. "It is accomplished." If your eyes see and ears hear these two lines you are without excuse. You have come to a crossroad of which there are only two choices. Acceptance or rejection. Forget the coming presidential campaign. God help our nation if we fail this election of eternal importance. God help us.
People have asked me what I, as a believer, came away with. Simply this. I was glad to see that I hadn't really become as cold as I thought I had. I pray differently today. I hope you find this to be true as well.